Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Happy New Year to all, and thank you all for the Christmas wishes. Life has been full of events and projects.   Trying to keep up with all the things breaking, and medical, before and after Christmas into the New Year, glad all the worst is behind us.  Now to enjoy a stress free New Year lol.

In the midst of all the chaos, we will soon have a new furbie, so my days will have less crafting for a few weeks during the transition process. I'm very excited for the arrival of my new helper.

Well, off I go to eye place, my lens fell out of my glasses New Year's Eve, perfect timing, one more thing to end off the old year, enjoy, blessings, Lori m 

Nothing New...

today.  I've been on a long sabbatical with little motivation for crafting. My Mom passed away in May and I just don't feel like cra...