Monday, June 28, 2021


Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers.  My surgery is over and while my recovery is going slower than I'd like, it's going in a good direction.

My sitting up time is very limited and in a few weeks I hope to be visiting more of your inspiring blogs and be able to do a little crafting. Thank you all again.

Enjoy...Blessings and hugs, Lori m


  1. Sending you Hugs Lori! I hope your recovery continues to move forward.
    Hugs Monica

  2. Hoping you continue to heal, and are feeling the love out here in Blog Land! Prayers lifted for you, Lori!

  3. Hi, Lori! Nice to hear that your surgery was successful! I am praying that you will be granted a complete recovery. Take it easy and give your body all the time it needs to heal!
    Hugz and Prayer,
    Chana Malkah

  4. I missed your earlier message so I am sorry to hear that you needed surgery. Keeping you in my prayers for a quick recovery. Hang in there. We'll all be here when you are feeling better. Don't push yourself too much! Hugs!

  5. Lots of get well prayers and love being sent your way, Lori. I hope your recovery is completely successful without any complications! ((((hugs)))) de

  6. Sorry to hear you've been out of commission for a while, but sounds like your recovery is moving along. I've had 7 surgeries myself, not fun. And I just got over a 3-week bout of Shingles. Praying you feel much better sooner than later and can get back to crafting. Hugs 🤗🙏

  7. Thank you Kris, tossing prayers your way that you feel better, hugs, Lori m

  8. Glad to hear your surgery was successful! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and hope to see you soon.


Thank you for stopping by, all feedback comments are welcome.

Blessings and hugs, Lori m

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