Monday, November 5, 2018

Long time....

Hello Everyone, here's to hoping life is great your way?  I've been doing much more resting, trying to sew little fun things and get my crafting in when things allow me to do so.

Not much happening in my world, trying to prep for the holidays and get ready for many Birthdays before Christmas.

 My Mother will be 90 this year and so I've been working on some decorations for her Celebration.

Here's a few of the things finished already ..................

For the Mom who needs nothing.....a Money Tree and custom pillow lol

Little late, here I made vinyl cutouts for the bottles and sewed a small Halloween print mat. 

This is probably my favorite...Little Sewn Tree..Stitch...then fill and hand sew while sitting back watching TV.

Little Halloween print skirt and sack purse for my granddaughter.
Card and matching Box

So this is what I've been up to the past few months.

Enjoy, blessings and hugs, Lori m

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Blessings and hugs, Lori m

Getting crafty

Getting crafty again.... It's been a long few months filled with ups and downs from mother's passing to prepping for holidays and ge...