Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mini getaways.....

anyone? Recently back from Saratoga Springs New York, and I might add it was just gorgeous.

 Unfortunately, we didn't see, all we wanted to,.... or master finding Waldo looking for all the springs lol. 

 We did see and find most of the ones, for health issues that we wanted to find and one of the reasons for the trip. After filling some jugs with spring water a quick jaunt off to Lake George for a bit. Love this lake and the walking was not as hard on a normal summer day.

 It was scorching high temperatures and humidity so back to the hotel and packing to come  home early. 

Breathing was uber hard the air was so thick, good indication that Florida or the Southern states would not be a good move for me.

Still one more beautiful place checked off my bucket list, and if you get the chance I'd strongly suggest seeing the sites, gorgeous views and plenty of quaint little shops to enjoy.

Now..... if the healing spring waters really work.......I'll be back for more spring water in the future.

That's all for today, blessings and hugs, Lori m


  1. Sounds like a wonderful getaway Lori. Here's hoping the spring water works miracles. After a lot of rain this week we finally have a sunny day and the temperature are pleasant. Tomorrow we have a reveal party for the twins. We'll find out the gender and names of our grandchildren. So it's back to cleaning the house for me. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Donna, it was beautiful. Congrats on the twins, be sure to let me know boy or girl or both, how exciting, hugs, Lori m

  2. It sounds like an amazing trip!! I love both Saratoga Springs and Lake George!! I used to live north of there in Lake Placid and I loved going to visit both places!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Thank you Lisa, its gorgeous there, lucky you for living in Lake Placid, we went there last year, gorgeous. Big hugs back at you, Lori m

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Beebeebabs, it was so pretty, wish we had more time to explore more, hugs, Lori m


Thank you for stopping by, all feedback comments are welcome.

Blessings and hugs, Lori m

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